As March rolls around it's time to get started on my prototype. I have been playing around with design layouts of circular measurements that will be used in the final prototype of my palette. The purpose of these circular measurements is to streamline the mixing process so the user can keep track of the mixed colors they are using on their projects in progress. In the photo, you can see a few different designs and sizes of measurements. I wanted to come up with multiple ideas and layouts to see which ones would function the best, as well as being aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I created this rough sketch by using a regular palette insert that is put into the materson sta wet palette (the palette I am creating an insert for) in order to have to prototype ideation be close as possible to my ending design by already working on an insert made for the palette that I want my idea to be compatible with. I drew on and traced the circular measurements and tried to base them off of how much paint I think one would need for certain amounts of colors. Ex: if someone needs more than one color for a background example, they would need some bigger circles, and if someone only needs a small amount of color for fine details I made sure to include smaller circles for a smaller amount of paint.
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